Every time on the move Report a concern, a danger point or a fault via smartphone to the city of Klagenfurt: This allows the app "Open your eyes! Klagenfurt ". With "Open your eyes! Klagenfurt "Klagenfurt is mobile, personal, networked - and even more beautiful and livable together in dialogue.The functionsWith a few clicks, messages can be sent quickly and intuitively and without compelling registration to the city of Klagenfurt.The "Open your eyes! Klagenfurt - smarTcheck checks "will be created BEFORE a message asking if the city Klagenfurt is already aware of the concern.Messages are displayed in lists, city plan or detailed display. User and users to be able to support other messages or click on "Follow". With a personal profile, the messages can be personalized and "Open your eyes! "Are used on different terminals Klagenfurt.Employees of Klagenfurt edit the message as quickly as possible and constantly informed via push notification about the current status.